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I was lucky to have a loving and accepting Papa. I think of him every Christmas

What do you do when you love hockey and your young grandson wants to play kitchen? You get on the floor and help assemble a toy blender.

3 min to read
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Brian and Papa

My maternal grandfather, who we called Papa, was a tradesman and loved hockey. He raised two sons who played the game and together they coached many different teams over the years in the Hamilton area.

When his four kids started popping out grandchildren in quick succession, Papa proudly said he had the makings of a starting lineup.

Brian Bradley is a Toronto Star journalist who works for the Star’s Opinion, Page Desk, Public Editor and podcast teams. Follow him on Twitter: @brianjbradley.

Brian Bradley

Brian Bradley is a Hamilton-based journalist who works for the Star’s Public Editor and podcast teams. Follow him on Twitter: @brianjbradley.

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