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"¿Ahí dan trabajo para Canadá? ..."

"Do you provide work in Canada?"

"El servicio que nosotros vendemos es la colocación de trabajo."

"What we sell is the job placement."

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Work Forced: Part one in a series

The landlady

Inside the ‘industrial’ labour trafficking ring run by a seemingly ordinary mom and what it shows about Toronto’s pipeline of exploited labour.

To Liliana Cruz, the rental seemed like a perfect opportunity: a four-bedroom home with a Spanish-speaking landlady. Having just arrived in Toronto with little beyond a few thousand dollars in cash — the proceeds of selling her property in Mexico — Cruz was eager for a new start.

The house, near Jane Street and Sheppard Avenue W., would be an inviting and comfortable launch pad, the landlady assured her. But when Cruz arrived at the doorstep, she realized that she would not be alone. Eighteen men were living in the basement.

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The house near Jane Street and Sheppard Avenue W., where Liliana Cruz thought she was just renting a room.

Four years later, a judge would describe what occurred at this unassuming Toronto residence as "heartbreaking" — part of a pattern that played out at houses across the GTA. Here, workers lost thousands of dollars to wage theft, having invested their savings to start a new life in Canada. At the end of an ordeal involving "anguish all around," Cruz’s landlady — a seemingly ordinary mom — was sentenced to eight years in prison after pleading guilty to running an "industrial" labour trafficking scheme.

Labour traffickers use deception and coercion to fill low-wage jobs with workers typically escaping instability in their home countries. This can mean making false promises about living and working conditions here, threats to safety, illegal deductions from pay, and withholding passports.

Criminal charges for these offences have been exceedingly rare. Now that is changing.

The Star has identified 10 cases across the GTA and southwestern Ontario since 2019 where police have broken up alleged labour trafficking operations. They have resulted in more than two dozen arrests and involve roughly 280 victims, largely from Mexico and Central America.

The police busts have made for splashy headlines. But to date, there has been less focus on what the pipeline feeding Canada’s demand for cheap labour actually looks like: from the recruiters and agencies profiting off vulnerable workers, to the employers using them.

And for some labour advocates, the spike in criminal cases has raised crucial questions about where these court proceedings ultimately leave workers. Exploitation, they argue, thrives at the intersection of Canada’s broken immigration system and the rise of precarious work — two issues trafficking prosecutions cannot solve.

To find answers, the Star fought in court to unseal secret search warrant materials, obtained court and tribunal documents, filed Freedom-of-Information requests to police forces and government ministries, and gathered accounts from eyewitnesses and survivors.

Taken together, these records paint a picture of what some call the underground economy. In reality, the phenomenon is far from hidden. It has entangled some of the country’s most recognizable workplaces — from a major hotel chain to one of the country’s largest manufacturers. Here, workers stripped beds, cleaned up construction sites, fixed roofs, packed meat, and picked vegetables.

Cruz never intended to be one of them. But as she settled into her first Toronto home, her new landlady had a warning: other residents may steal the money Cruz had carefully saved in Mexico. The woman offered to take her new tenant’s cash and passport for safekeeping.

"I trusted her," says Cruz.

The next day, the landlady informed Cruz she would need to start working.

More in this series

  • The companies

    How some of Ontario’s most recognizable companies have become embroiled in alleged labour exploitation schemes

    Read it here
  • The pipeline

    Inside the ‘industrial’ labour trafficking ring run by a seemingly ordinary mom and what it shows about Toronto’s pipeline of exploited labour.

    Read it here
  • The Mountie

    Coming soon

With reporting from

Manuela Vega


Jesse McLean and David Bruser

Design and Web Development

Andres Plana

Video Editing

Kelsey Wilson

Digital Producer

Tania Pereira

Graphics Editor

Cameron Tulk

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